Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an integral part of website development today. A website can have a great design, useful content and even a high security system, but without good SEO, it can’t be easily found through search engines like Google.
SEO statistics by Forbes cite Borrell Associates to emphasize that by 2020, businesses in the US will be spending as much as $80 billion on SEO services. This number is significantly higher than in 2016 and 2018 when businesses were spending $65.26 and $79.27 billion on search engine optimization, respectively.
The basic rules about SEO always change with the development of technology and search engine user behavior, but there are at least 4 things you should know about SEO, namely:
(1) On-Site Optimization
While SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most popular term, not many people know about On-Site Optimization. This process ensures that your website can be accepted by both parties, users and search engines.
This can be achieved by placing the right keywords and tags on the pages of your site. This is what helps search engines like Google determine how your website ranks in search rankings.
(2) Off-Site Optimization
This refers to the process of trying to achieve high rankings for your website using external methods. This process is usually done outside of your website such as for example accompanying your website link on other people’s websites or other popular websites.
(3) White Hat SEO
This term refers to the application of SEO techniques in accordance with applicable rules, the application of this technique is nothing but to drive many visitors to your website, to achieve high rankings in search engines.
The application of this technique usually uses keyword analysis and link building. The aim is to increase the popularity of the site through writing good content
(4) Black Hat SEO
This SEO technique involves the use of illegal techniques to achieve the same, high ranking goals. Those who use this SEO technique violate Google’s rules to achieve improve the ranking of their website. This is a direct opposite of White Hat SEO practice.
Some of these techniques are:
- Keyword stuffing
- Use of invisible text
- Make a fake page to get the desired link
How do these techniques affect your website or business?
- You need to use both of these techniques, namely on-site optimization and off-site optimization so that you can be considered for a place on the first page of Google. By not using this technique it will have an impact on the number of visitors to your website
- If you use Black Hat SEO techniques to achieve a high number of visitors, the results will be temporary. You might get the desired results, but Google will most likely find out and give penalties or suspend the website
- White Hat SEO techniques are slower in terms of getting high visitor rankings, however, the result is permanent.